DMIT Test for Student/ Adult / Child

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence test (DMIT) is a truly scientific study of the fingerprints, which is also recognized as Advanced Behavioural Intelligence Test (ABIT)

It is a proven scientific method to decode the brain's potential and talent through the physical formation of fingerprints, which has linkage to brain development. It is not the Palmistry and is not future telling.

Traditionally an IQ tests were used as a measurement tool for degree of intelligence. In this method all other aspects of a human mind such as EQ, CQ, VQ, IQ & AQ were neglected. Medical experts and Approved clinical experience confirmed that finger prints provide accurate analysis of humans Multiple Intelligences and inborn potential.

Besides, data acquisition process is computerized. Therefore, we can achieve an accuracy of more than 90%. Body prints formation & formation of brain are synchronized with the fetus in the mother's body in first 13 weeks and first 19 weeks. It has been medically & clinically proven that body prints and existence of multiple intelligences are completely linked.

This will help in understanding a individual’s potential & personality Type :

  • Based on understanding from Neuroscience, Genetics, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology and Embryology.
  • Formulated by scientists and Medical experts. DMIT Test has been accepted by Entire world and also from renowned universities.

With the help of this test you will be able to identify the following traits :

  • Brain Dominance
  • Inborn Learning Style
  • Multiple Intelligence
  • Stream Selection
  • Subject Selection
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Career Options

Now Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is used in the field of School college and educational institutions. Human resource management, Children memory Enhancements Programs, Career Guidance and Career Counselling.

Aptitude Tests

An aptitude test provides a realistic picture of the individual’s strengths and weaknesses and their ability to perform specific tasks. The tests each have a standardised method of administration and scoring, with the results quantified and compared with all other test takers. No prior knowledge is assumed, as the tests seek to determine innate ability at a particular competency.

Aptitude Tests Versus Intelligence Tests

What exactly makes an aptitude test different from an intelligence test? Many intelligence tests are designed to measure what is known as general intelligence or an underlying global mental capacity that affects performance in all areas. Intelligence encompasses many different abilities including problem solving, reasoning, memory, knowledge, and ability to adapt to a changing environment. Aptitude tests, on the other hand, are designed to measure a much narrower range of abilities than IQ tests. Tests can help you get an idea of what you are good at or what you might be good at given the right training. Consider your results carefully and evaluate other factors such as your interests and experiences. Then, use this information to explore for your career options.

Grades (Age 10+)

  • Personality Profile
  • Learning Styles Profile
  • Multiple Intelligence
  • Compiled report + GRADES improvement suggestion

Stream Selector(age 14+)

  • Based on student’s aptitude, interest and ability.
  • Helps determine Stream preference between Commerce, Humanities, Science (Maths) and Science (Biology)
  • Compiled report + Consultation

Career Selector(age 16+)

  • Career Interes
  • Work Personality
  • Ability Test
  • Compiled Report + Consultation to determine 3 suitable careers

Branch Selector

  • Helps choose from preferred Humanities fields
  • Evaluates on basis of interest and capabilities
  • Compiled report + Consultation
  • Helps choose preferred commerce-domain among all the financial and non-financial domains in commerce
  • Evaluates on basis of interest and capabilities
  • Compiled report + Consultation
  • Based on Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Dr. Howard Gardner
  • Helps match ideal careers with intelligences
  • Compiled report + Consultation
  • Comprehensive Learning Style Model Report
  • Based on 5 key dimensions of learning styles – environmental, emotional, sociological, physiological, psychological
  • Compiled report + consultation

  • Study Abroad In Your Dream College
  • Multiple Universities to Choose From